Laurinburg Storage - TC Location

Renting Storage Units Made Easy

1. Select Storage Unit Size

2. Enter Billing Info

3. Confirm Information

Payment Schedule

Current Month Payment: Completed During Rental Process
Next Month Payment: Due on the 1st of the Month. This Month is a PRORATED Amount.
Third Month Payment and On: Due on the 1st of the Month for each Month

One-time $25 Administrative Fee is Due Upon Rental of ALL Sizes

5 x 10 x 8

Average size of a walk-in closet

$55 / month Only 1 left!

10 x 10 x 8

Like the average size bedroom

$85 / month Only 3 left!

10 x 20 x 8

Approx. the room in a small one-car garage

$135 / month Only 3 left!

Unit Size not Available?